Sharing my journey

I share my journey running a successful WordPress plugin business as a solopreneur. Ups, downs, ideas, tests I’m running, and more. Follow me on my way, where I strive to run a successful business while staying lean and maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

  • Recap WCEU 2024

    Okay, folks, it’s time for my next WCEU recap. This time we all gathered together in Torino, Italy. More specifically, at the Lingotto Conference Center. I learned my lesson this year and arrived on the Tuesday before the event, giving me enough time to explore the city, eat authentic food, and relax before the first…

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  • Recap Cloudfest 2024

    It’s a little late, as it’s been almost two weeks since CloudFest, but I caught the flu and was unable to sit at my desk for about seven days in a row. Now that I’m almost completely recovered, I wanted to sit down and tell you a bit about my CloudFest experience. Arrival As some…

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  • 2023 – A year in review

    Welcome to my second year in review post on my blog!The year flew by for most of us, so I think it’s important to take the time to review what happened. New projects OllieWP Earlier this year, Mike and I publicly announced working together on This is my first time working on a theme…

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  • Recap WCEU 2023

    I finally found time to write down my recap for WordCamp Europe 2023 in Athens. This time was a bit different for me in many ways. First of all, it was the first time I got the chance to speak at a WordCamp.It was also the first time I focussed almost entirely on networking instead…

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  • Simply Static – the rise of an ecosystem

    Simply Static is a by far my most popular plugin now. It’s growing incredibly well and not just money-wise but community-wise. Today I want to talk a bit about the last couple of months of Simply Static, what I’ve done to keep up with the demand, how I tackled marketing, and how the ecosystem is…

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  • January – what a month..

    Hey, it’s Patrick. Sliding into 2023 was a huge challenge for me. I was working quite hard, churn was high, and I may end this month with a revenue decrease of 35%. Let’s start with some good things first. The good things: WP Tavern Podcast I had the pleasure of being a guest on the…

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  • 2022 – A year in review

    I’m a huge fan of reading these “Year in review” articles from others ( Feel free to reach out to me if you have one, I include it at the end here!), but I never managed to write my own. This year, I blocked some time in December to finally make that happen and publish…

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  • #BuildinPublic –

    I recently started working on a little side project called It’s a simplified version of Simply Static, where you can add the URL and your email address and receive a static copy of the website as a ZIP file. How it started The whole idea is born out of a problem some of the…

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  • Black Friday 2022 – A Review

    I never really did any discounts, marketing campaigns, or anything with newsletters for my business. I’ve done Black Friday sales several times but never got much in return. I thought my product or business just wasn’t a good fit for anything related to this. That being said, my expectations for Black Friday were quite low.…

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  • Books I’ve read in 2022

    If time allows it, I try to update my business knowledge with a couple of books. I was never that much into fiction and rather spending time reading business-related books. Today I want to share a couple of books I’ve read this year and give you a brief summary on my conclusion on each. The…

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