Agy has a deep integration with WooCommerce that also allows you to use checkboxes at the registration and within the checkout to let users verify their age. You can even completely deactivate the age gate and just use the checkboxes.
Table of Contents
The WooCommerce Settings
Go to WooCommerce->Agy->WooCommerce and you will find a couple of options to further integrate Agy with WooCommerce.
Deactivate Age Gate
As already said you can completely deactivate the age gate and just use checkboxes instead. Just enable this setting and it will disable the age gate globally without being influenced by the blacklist/whitelist settings.
Add age verification to the registration
This option adds a required checkbox at the registration of your WooCommerce store. Customers are only allowed to create an account once they accepted the checkbox.
Add age verification to checkout
This option adds a required checkbox at the checkout of your WooCommerce store. Customers are only allowed to finish their order once they accepted the checkbox.
Save age information in the customer account
Agy does not store the actual age to stay as GPDR-compliant as possible. Instead, it just stores that the customer already verified their age once and will not ask them again to do so.
Modify checkbox text
You can completely modify the checkbox text here. Add a link to your terms of service or any additional information you want your users to get informed about here.
Modify the error message
You can completely modify the error message to give your customers meaningful feedback on why age verification is required and the consequences if they are not accepting it.
Add checkboxes only if blacklisted products in the cart
Agy will automatically keep track of the customer’s cart and only adds checkboxes if there is a product there that needs age verification. This works with blacklist and whitelist configuration and is the best combination of secure verification and the best usability.